Got Rest?

Not too long ago, I had a 4 hour brunch with a friend over the weekend! Rest assured, this was a complete anomaly for both of us! She is a busy, working mother and we are both doctors. Frankly, I usually spend my weekends running errands and catching up on work. We had been trying to “grab a coffee” for upwards of a year (!) so after exclaiming ”Life is short!” we made the plan to get together - finally!   What was intended to be a quick 30 minute coffee became a restorative time of fellowship and catch up that left both of us feeling energized.  

As I drove home (admittedly, to do some work), I took the moment to acknowledge how I felt.  I was peaceful, happy and actually felt that I had MORE energy going into my work session.  Despite my typical introversion, I found the one-on-one time with a good friend to be invigorating!  Later that afternoon, I was better able to focus and worked with a high level of productivity that had been elusive all week.  

The lesson isn’t that I should have regular 4 hour brunch hang outs; but instead, I learned that I DO benefit from rest every once in a while.  Even as a Sleep Doctor, the busyness of life can make it easy to forget that rest is one of the important pillars of a productive and healthy life.  What I considered a luxury, should actually be treated as a necessity to promote well-being.  While I have been good about prioritizing sleep, I haven’t always been good about prioritizing rest during the day or week.  Ironically, neglecting rest due to my need to hustle at work was making me less productive/effective.   Studies have even show that mid-task breaks can reduce mental fatigue and improve performance.

Are you also struggling to set aside time to rest and be “unproductive” for a bit?  Struggling to even believe that you need rest?  If so, I challenge you to take the plunge and make the time.  While it might seem counterintuitive, you may find that the time away makes you more successful in whatever you aim to achieve.  

But how can you incorporate rest into your routine in a practical way?

Below are just a few ways that you can consider injecting moments of rest into your daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal routine. 

Use these are a start to inspire your own unique plan! 


  • Morning Meditation: Start your day with 5-10 minutes of meditation or deep breathing exercises to set a calm tone. (check out this post for morning routine inspiration)

  • Walk it Out: Take short, brisk walks during your breaks.

  • Tech Timeout: Designate at least 30 minutes of screen-free time before bed. Dive into a book or listen to soothing music instead.


  • Self-care Sundays (or any day!): Reserve a few hours each week for self-care activities. “Self care” can be anything that offers you rest or rejuvenates you.  Examples: exercising, reading, listening to music, visiting with a friend.

  • Nature Escapes: Plan a weekly outing to a park or nature trail.

  • Mealtime Mindfulness: Dedicate one meal a week to be truly mindful. Avoid technology and consider checking in with yourself, or using the time to have a catch up conversation with someone you care about. 

Monthly or Seasonal Options:

  • Digital Detox: Choose one day a month to significantly reduce or eliminate digital device usage. Rediscover old hobbies and interests! 

  • Go Exploring: Organize an adventure, big or small. It can be a trip to a new coffee shop, a local museum, or a neighboring town.  

  • Journal: Set aside time each month to reflect through writing. It's a great way to process thoughts and feelings and to acknowledge positive change! 

Consider some of these ideas, and feel free to start small!  Even a few minutes that you give to yourself can have positive effects on health and wellbeing. 

Rest Well! Be Well!

Caroline Okorie, MD,MPH


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