Starting a Morning Routine When You Don’t Have Any Time!

How we sleep can affect our days, and conversely how we spend our days can affect our sleep. A morning routine can set the tone for the day, influencing your overall productivity, mood, and well-being.  Many of us are busy and stressed and the idea of a morning routine seems unattainable!  However, the beauty of a morning routine is that you can tailor it to your needs and your schedule.  Say, you feel you can spare only 5 minutes in the morning — that’s okay!  Anytime you can deliberately set aside for yourself is a great start. 

Here is a 5 minute morning routine that you can start right away!  Got more than 5 minutes? Just extend the time for each activity accordingly.  

  1. Soak up that Morning Light! (2-5 minutes)
    Morning sunlight exposure can help regulate your circadian rhythm, which in turn can improve sleep quality, mood, and overall health.  Spend two minutes basking in the morning sun (preferably outdoors).  Indoor lights or sunlight through a window are less effective, but are certainly better than nothing!  (If you can do the remainder of the routine outside in the sunlight, even better).
    What if morning sunlight is just not available to you? You can consider substitution with a light therapy lamp that mimics natural light.  

  2. Breathe! (1 minute)
    Slow, deep breaths can activate your parasympathetic nervous system which reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation. Spend a minute with a breathing exercise such as box breathing (inhaling for a count of four, holding your breath for four, and then exhaling for four) or 4-7-8 breathing (Inhale deeply through your nose for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds).  

  3. Hydrate! (1 minute)
    Take a mindful minute and drink a full glass of water in the morning.  Adequate hydration has many health benefits including supporting brain function and maintaining energy levels.  Plain water too boring?  You can consider adding some lemon or lime or a sprig of mint to make the water more interesting. 

  4. Move! (1 minute)
    A quick one-minute stretch can help wake up your body and improve flexibility. Stretching can increase blood flow to your muscles and promote better posture throughout the day. Choose a few simple stretches that target different muscle groups and spend a minute going through them.  Pairing this with deep breathing can have added benefits!

There you have it!  A quick morning routine you can insert into your day.  Again, if you feel you have a bit more time, you can consider increasing the time of morning movement or spend more time in morning light. 

You can also consider additional practices such as: journaling, meditation, or setting daily intentions.  

Remember, how you start your morning can set you up for a better day and a better night’s sleep!

Sleep Well!  Be Well!

Caroline Okorie, MD,MPH


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